Two of the current regional test centers (New Mexico and Colorado) are under the direct oversight of Sandia National Laboratories and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory; the remaining centers, Florida, MI (under development), and Nevada are managed as a partnership between Sandia and the local host institution. Each site is climatically distinct and can accommodate the installation of different technologies and sizes.
- produce a set of standardized protocols for PV system validation, applicable to different climates and settings; and
- support the goals of the DOE SunShot Initiative by helping accelerate technological evolution in the energy sector and increasing PV deployment
Addressing a Key Challenge
Too often, new technologies, including PV systems, lack rigorous performance data and have trouble drawing the investment dollars needed for commercialization. Unable to cross this so-called technological valley of death, many never make it to market. To help solve this critical problem, the RTCs will provide energy-technology companies with the rigorous and highly calibrated testing and evaluation studies they need to win investor confidence and bring their products to market.