RTC at the Florida Solar Energy Center
The Florida Solar Energy Center, a division of the University of Central Florida, has been researching and testing PV technology for over 20 years. They have a strong partnership with the national labs in providing research and testing services. The FSEC/UCF RTC was selected for the hot, humid climate and will provide validation testing for large-scale PV systems and will help banks, insurance companies, and other stakeholders establish the confidence that new PV technologies perform reliably in the field. The current site being utilized for the RTC can accommodate a total of approximately 250 kW. If this capacity is exceeded in the future, FSEC/UCF has set aside another site which can host ≤2 MW of power production. Locating the RTC on the Orlando campus strongly complements UCF’s nationally recognized programs in engineering, optics and photonics, energy efficiency, renewable energy, physics, and chemistry.